10 Billion Drums – the astrology of a Global Gateway!

owlstarA remarkable event is scheduled for Friday 17th September at 7pm – its global, a real ‘sit up and take notice’ flag – we are invited to create a synchronistic wave of drumming around the Earth  – no specific place is given so it looks like a ‘rolling wave’ – with a very positive aim.

It is a well timed and propitious event that has some serious support from the astral realms! But, first, take a look through this link, ’10billionbeats’  , at whats intended and then come back to look at an astrological view of the archetypal energies that we can expect to be at work as we all resonate this through the drums!

The astrology that follows is a mixture of esoteric, intuitive, shamanic and idiosyncratic – no apologies for this – the language is full as befits the archetypes! Having unfurled them, we have to let the wind fill our sails. Not forgetting therefore, all homage to the ancestral navigators. The stars that guided them are still guiding us today. There are no houses involved in this reading as it is not tied to a location; the context is Earth. The symbology is drawn from the the archetypes of the planets, their sign placements, in aspect, and the sabian symbols associated with the degree upon which they are found within the chart (degrees are always rounded upwards) : click on the chart to see a larger version

Fri, 17 Sep 2010 18:00:00 GMT
chart : planetwatcher.com


The energies of this chart show a building dynamic that will peak at the Full Moon exactly on the Autumn Equinox 5 days later. And what a Full Moon this promises to be! All the major conjunctions in the chart are tightening in the process so the harmonics between planets involved will be tuning up as well. A wave of vibration created at this time will not fade away – it will sustain and, given that the outer planets are so much in play, will reverb through to activate the archetypes as the planets sing like tuning forks. Their influence will last through to the next New Moon and the patterns they evoke will remain long after the planets have progressed on – so this is a Golden Opportunity to Earth some profound and productive prayers with the spirit worlds. This is very much about Earth becoming a Gateway that will carry the wave, with a Terran signature, out into the Cosmos along the weblines that connect us to the planets and stars.

 Jupiter and Uranus together have been ushering a new wave of electrifying and expansive inspiration for a few months now – their combined power has been described as ‘the Quickening’ and, in late Pisces, early Aries (where they were conjunct on June 8th), they are bringing an old cycle to completion and providing the fuel for a collective initiatic awakening.

Chiron and Neptune in late Aquarius bring the visionary and the shaman together – together they invite us to journey towards a collective vision of healing.

Both these conjunctions are strongly apsected by the Sun – the challenge is to put our egocentricity aside and allow the power to flow through us – the emphasis here is on a collective effort that draws upon the empowerment that our past achievements in these areas have brought us. They are the first of the Elders holding the space and guiding us in the initiatic circle.

Pluto in Capricorn, with the North Node of the Moon closing, take the karmic impulse of our vision to the deepest roots of our earthly incarnation. Saturn squares the N Node. The emphasis here is on an harmonious realisation of the ‘heaven within us’ as it can be realised according to the great natural Laws. Pluto and Saturn are the next Edlers and act as the guardians of the intitiatic process – this has profound implications. The collective challenge is to be fully cogniscant at the beginning of the process and take responsiblility for the effects that grounding this vision will have on Life. The square means we are challenged to ensure no more blind short-term gains at the expense of our descendants. There is always balance – the mutual relationship between the destructive and the creative must be acknowledged as a necessity. Our wounds are also our power – we will come back to this.

Mercury in Virgo has a beneficial aspect to Pluto and particularly to the N Node and reminds us of the potentiality of initiation, the limitations we are seeking to release ourselves from as well as the Laws that apply in the process – we are still planetary children and yet we are committing ourselves to growth into maturity. Mercury, as go between in the process, ensures that we manifest this as a key signature, an underlying intent of the message behind this event. Mercury also aspects Mars and particularly Venus.

The Mars position tells us that while we are seeking to break free of our limitations we must not let the excitement of our thrust towards the future distract us. The challenge of the Mars Mercury aspect is in vigorously carrying forward respect for the past, our most cherished memories and our lessons learned, so that we may both be wise from experience and honouring of our ancestors. It is the Pluto connection that ensure we observe the natural Laws in all their depth as they apply to ancestry. In this moment “we are the sole reason they existed” and so it us with us and our descendants. Mars Pluto also challenges us to expand our family into all the realms of living beings, to become ensouled with our Earth heritage and to accept both the anabolic and catabolic aspects of the initiatic process in all its depths of meaning.

Venus’ position in Scorpio emphasises the passion of our heroic journey towards collective realisation. We are challenged to draw upon our spiritual strengths and to trust in the power of spirit, no matter what we may encounter. This is an expression of compassion as intelligent will infused with courage (the power of the heart) in the search for deep understanding.

The Moon’s position in Capricorn carries the signature of surrender to higher ideals. The emphasis is on complete dedication in service to the community, both Global and spiritual. The freedom this promises is framed within inner discipline – this is the challenge inherent in total commitment to a transcendant goal. It is a goal that carries forward a vision in which we reclaim our natural rights, as well as our natural rites, as the children, guardians and elders of the Earth.

With its beneficial aspect to the Sun this waxing Lunar phase is priming the Full Moon which is conjunct Jupiter and Uranus on the equinox – at this time the circle of is charged with full potential.

At the time of the 10billion drums we will have the benefit of a further very magical and intruiging pattern (not shown in the chart) in which the Moon forms one corner of what is often named by astrologers as a ‘mystic rectangle’. This web of dynamic activity is carrying a matrix of healing that reaches into the wild psyche of the feminine. As well as the waxing Moon we find Pallas, Sedna and Varuna in a dancing quatrain. So here we have Moon at 24 Capricorn sextile Pallas at 23 Scorpio, Pallas opposite Sedna at 23 Taurus who is sextile Varuna at 23 Cancer (opposite the Moon). It is Pallas and Sedna who ask for the wounding suffered by womankind at the hands of the partiarchy to be healed by finding a way through understanding, and this is understanding that seeks sublime solution sourced at the wild root. It is the pairing of Moon and Varuna that direct our prayers to the origins of all Life, to Great Mystery, as reflected in our passionate commitment to the spiritual community – whatever this may mean to us, whatever shape it may take in us as individuals, we can wear our wounds as a cloak of power and know that we are protected by Divine Law.

One last aspect which emphasises the power of the feminine is a beneficial partnership between Venus and Dark Moon Lilith – this pair have drawn a bow across the chart that will shoot the arrow of ‘Love in Kundalini’ towards the heavens – this represents a karmic inner marriage, a fusion of opposites, of spirit and matter as one, of past and future in the present – the fletch of the arrow is renewing our innocence – its tip is aiming at attunement to the rhythms of the the cosmos, ‘the heaven within’, ecstacy in realisation. It is the power of the Dark Goddess emerging from within.

Dark Goddess Moon 2010-09-08 robpurday

If it seems incredible that such powerful imagery and energy can be present and within reach – why should we doubt it; a rhetorical question, as the world around us is everyday filled with immense change, powerful challenges and demanding an equally powerful emphasis on Global transformation through radical healing. Our ancients knew it would be thus in our time. The cosmological dimensions have a grand scale, an archetypal presence within our lives that ask us to raise our sights – we can ensure this through acting collectively. Our individual paths merge when we do so – and it will serve us well, when we can resonate with the archetypes and remember, in Alice Walkers fine words, that :

 ‘we are the ones we have been waiting for’.


Through 10billion drums, with the blessings of all the benevolent spirits, may the seeds of our dreaming awaken, take root, grow and bear fruit, in Peace.
Posted on the Dark Moon 2010-09-08

With special thanks to Jonathan Horwitz for alerting me to this event and, of course, astronomical appreciation to the inspired and example setting folks at ‘ten billion beats’….lets drum!!!

6 Replies to “10 Billion Drums – the astrology of a Global Gateway!”

  1. “Jupiter and Uranus together have been ushering a new wave of electrifying and expansive inspiration for a few months now – their combined power has been described as ‘the Quickening’ and, in late Pisces, early Aries (where they were conjunct on June 8th), they are bringing an old cycle to completion and providing the fuel for a collective initiatic awakening.”

    Good point! Will check out what was going on around June the 8th because things have got very crazy in the last few days,now we have had the mystic rectangle moon also. I really feels like a new start.

    I think this drum thing sounds like its gonna be amazing and even more wonderful that it occurs at the next Jupiter/Uranus conjunction. Really should feel a “Quickening” shouldn’t we?

    Great post and of course I love the Dark Goddess Picture:))

    1. Thanks Marina – could literaly shake things up! but it looks like the planets are lining up for a change of pace – it interests me that Saturn is breaking free of the big T now as well – pervasive Saturn in Libra could bring a reality check time and perhaps even a breather – calm before the…….? Whatever is activated at an archetypal level in such a pervasive matrix of outer planet energy will begin manifesting before too long as a field change – we will need to keep our eyes on the bigger picture, but, with the lunations providing such strong triggers to the major aspects and with further eclipses coming up in a few months I feel certain the world is going to see more big and impacting changes thats for sure – the drumming event is an opportunity to engage with the change and have some positive input.

  2. Thanks so much for this chart. I wish I could say I was wise enough to have known this when I selected the day, but it was more mundane than that. It simply seemed like the time in the seasons when both Southern and Northern hemispheres could participate.

    However, the purpose of our drumming exactly meets the criteria you describe here and I have felt the solemnity of our effort from the beginning. May all our efforts help lift humankind into a new balance of understanding and love.

    1. Thanks Carlisle – its my pleasure! Your timing is perfect; next day or the day before and the picture would not carry the same symbolic resonance, even a few hours would see the Lunar aspect shift – s’funny thing but I imagine that if there is any solemnity feeding in it will express itself through focus – what I’ve heard from friends and fellow drummers is that they are anticipating a real uplift from the drumming – so, I’m really glad that the tone of this reading hits the mark, and, thanks again for the invaluable feedback and confirmation – lets all stay in the loop and Ho! to the 10Billionbeats!

  3. Ahhh ! Go on !

    We Divine?humans rrealize that astrological conjunctionahave no more validity as Numerology has in The Christian Bible.

    Quit trying to outwit the IS.

    1. Hi Mike – I like the sound of your IS (assuming you dont mean Information Systems, which would actaully fit quite well) – very Zen – and , yeh, pointless trying to outwit it! As for numerology and the Bible – well, you probably know more about that than I do and, really, I think youve answered your own point by making it. Humans and the Divine? Oh yeh! We all have to watch out for Hubris – guess thats why we have organised religion (ironic)……a healthy shot of scepticism never does anything any harm, questioning is good, just so long as we are able to agree to disagree and go our own ways

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